Some time has passed since the last update, but I have been at work behind the scenes to make progress on the API. Firstly, as you may have noticed the name for the project has changed. As well as the repo location. it is now at Fierro-Labs/Fierro. This is because I believe in the potential of the project and I hope to learn more from the community and develop it further as a company. This would allow me to part take in more events ofiicially and bring authority to the project. So in these past three weeks, I have been holding off development to pursue longevity of the project like funding and the legal structure, as well as learning about things along those avenues.


This week development has resumed. I added repo badges and logos to make the repo look nicer. The most important one is the Codecov badge, where it is currently sitting at 0%. But that is okay because it has been motivation to kick off the official testing framework for the project. In that spirit, I created demo videos that I will publish to Youtube and share on the website next week. They are to showcase how to use the API endpoints using the curl request examples I have in the repo Next I will focus on getting the framework up and running using the built in Go Testing package. A major development was adding direcotry support to the server. This will allow users to upload directories to IPFS through the API. Now enabling full website publishing. Lastly, I moved around source files to clean up the repo files. These changes are not currently in main but will be this week.

Next week

Development will slow down, but I have planned to release the demo videos, as well as work on more demo videos, and work on the testing framework.

As always, I am looking for contributors. You can find me in the IPFS discord (legendofmar#3868), Twitter (legendofmar), or on github!

Come chat on the IPFS Community Forum!

Marco Rodriguez

Open-source enthusiast and loves bees