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  • How to pin IPNS Records with Fierro

    Announcement Videos

    Hello all! Here is a second short video to demonstrate the second half of the current capabilities of Fierro which is currently at the MVP stage.

  • Update `#`7 for Fierro


    This past month has been mixed with outside work and work on Fierro. I was on contract with a company called Fission. They are a pioneer of what are called UCANs (User Controlled Authorization Networks). The idea behind those are that they are User Controlled (as the name implies) data stores whose use case is to share only specified and authorized data with third parties. There I worked on a redirect library in Go that adheres to Netlify format for the IPFS protocol!

  • Week 6 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    Some time has passed since the last update, but I have been at work behind the scenes to make progress on the API. Firstly, as you may have noticed the name for the project has changed. As well as the repo location. it is now at Fierro-Labs/Fierro. This is because I believe in the potential of the project and I hope to learn more from the community and develop it further as a company. This would allow me to part take in more events ofiicially and bring authority to the project. So in these past three weeks, I have been holding off development to pursue longevity of the project like funding and the legal structure, as well as learning about things along those avenues.

  • How to Publish a website to IPNS with FIerro API

    Announcement Videos

    Hello all! I have created a short video to demonstrate the current standing and capabilities of the API which is currently at the MVP stage.

  • Week 5 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    As previously mentioned, I was out of town for about the last two weeks. This week I wasn’t sure what to focus on because when I got back, I came down with a stomach bug. Thinking of what I could do in a couple days, I decided the best thing would be to set up a website/landing page for the project.

  • Week 4 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    This week I got overly excited to work on implementing republishing and record following. The way I implemented republishing was following the ideas from this issue. I needed to rewrite the code from week 3 to give the functions clear jobs. There still needs work to be done in getting better implementations, but that will happen over time.

  • Week 3 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    This week I focused on getting the getKey & putKey endpoints working properly. The GET endpoint focused on will generating a key, exporting the key to disk, serving the exported key to client, then deleting all traces of the key from disk and node’s keystore. The Put endpoint focused accepting a key file and CID, then importing the key to the node’s keystore and publishing IPNS record to IPFS using that key.

  • Week 2 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    This week was focused on getting key generation and publishing working properly. I was on the verge of figuring it out last week and that mission was completed this week solution 1. It was not the sophisticated solution I had hoped for, but I pivoted to using the api commands. Then I refactored my code to be better suited for scaling up.

  • Week 1 Update for IPNSGoServer Project


    Here is my week 1 update as per my IPFS grant! This week I switched from working straight onto the Get/Put endpoints, to seeing if I can get the basic functionality working. I made a branch called testFunc where I am working currently and current progress is focused on the function called testFunctions(). I got as far as generating keys and creating an entry with those keys. I am having trouble publishing the entry. The goal for next week is to get publishing working properly. Then start working on refactoring code to create clear and specific functions. From there I will start working on getting basic GET functionality working.

  • Application Submission for Next-Steps Grant


    I am continuing this project from the Web3 jam project 2021. The idea of NFTs is changing. People are finding use cases for having dynamic metadata. This is possible currently by changing the data off chain then updating the URI in a token. This can be costly and slow because of the need to edit storage on the blockchain. That is why my project aimed to lower those costs. By using IPNS and storing the record/entry on the contract you can update your NFT off-chain.